

促天科技 2024-10-18 02:56 0 0条评论



OTM是英文Optical Terminal Multiplerer 的缩写,中文意思是光终端复用站。

华为OTM站点将业务信号通过合波单元插入到波分系统的线路上去,同时可将业务经过分波 单元从波分系统的线路上分下来。







五、Out of the Money (OTM) - What does it mean in Finance?


When it comes to finance, there are various terms and concepts that can be quite confusing, especially for those who are new to the field. One such term is "out of the money" (OTM). In this article, we will delve into the meaning of OTM in finance and explore its implications.

Defining Out of the Money (OTM)

Out of the Money (OTM) is a term used in the options market to describe a situation where the strike price of an option is higher for calls or lower for puts than the current market price of the underlying asset. Simply put, it means that the option is not worth exercising based on its current price.

Understanding OTM Options

When an option is OTM, it implies that if the option were to be exercised, it would result in a loss for the holder. This is because the option would not provide any intrinsic value at that point in time. For example, if the current market price of a stock is $50, but the strike price of a call option is $60, the call option would be considered OTM.

In the case of put options, if the current market price of the underlying asset is $50, and the strike price of the put option is $40, the put option would be considered OTM.

Implications of OTM Options

For investors and traders, understanding OTM options is essential as it affects the profitability and decision-making process. OTM options typically have lower premiums due to their lower likelihood of being exercised and their lack of intrinsic value. This means that investors can purchase OTM options at a lower cost compared to options that are in the money (ITM) or at the money (ATM).

However, it's important to note that OTM options have a higher risk compared to options that are closer to being in the money. This is because the underlying asset needs to move significantly in the desired direction for the option to become profitable. If the underlying asset price does not move as anticipated, the OTM option may expire worthless.


Out of the Money (OTM) is a term commonly used in the options market to describe options with strike prices that are not currently profitable to exercise. Understanding the concept of OTM options is crucial for investors and traders as it impacts their decision-making process and risk management strategies. By being familiar with OTM options, investors can make more informed choices and potentially capitalize on market movements more effectively.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided you with a better understanding of what OTM means in finance and its implications. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us.


OTM (ONE TOO MANY) 是05年刚刚成立的独立设计工作室品牌, 也是美国当今最为值得关注的皮革及纯银手工制作公司之一. 迄今, OTM 只制作了7款ZIPPO, 而且每款都是一个, 这是他最新的一款-牛头骷髅. 机身采用纯铜盔甲底版, 方便背面的漏刻填色, 正面采用上下分离的纯银贴章, 最具特色的是侧面的标角.OTM是一个新的品牌, 真诚喜欢在RON的手中能给大家带来更多的惊喜 。




在中国 所有的抄外汇都是不合法的. 何况他们的钱全部吸到印尼去了的 ,现在这些不合法的 诈骗的 传销的 头头都是东南亚的,把大陆钱吸跑了 , 就算报警了 国家想追 一毛都追不回来

我告诉你这个极不稳定 风险很大. 请三思 兄弟.

关于远离违法违规外汇交易的风险提示 尊敬的企业网上银行客户: 目前,我国未批准任何机构在境内开展或代理开展外汇按金交易,擅自开展、参与外汇按金交易均属于违法行为。境内个人购买境外房地产、直接进行跨境证券投资均属于尚未开放的资本项目项下业务,直接或间接开展、参与上述相关外汇业务,均涉嫌违规。 请您提高风险防范意识,拒绝非法交易,远离违规业务,谨防因违法违规行为造成财产损失。 特此公告 中国银行股份有限公司 二〇一九年三月二十五日

九、为什么我没有听说过OTM Trade奥美外汇?

OTM Trade奥美外汇是印尼的,它以外汇管理业务为主,采用个人或专业管理模式,针对客户需求做出精准定制,确保客户能够获得稳定高利润收益。至今,在中国市场已经有不短的业务时间,获得了众多客户的认可与支持,也在多个金融行业取到了不错的交易成绩。


